ACC launches Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program – Helping patients to regain the quality of life

People infected with SARS-CoV-2 have recovered and also have completed the isolation period within 180 days from the date of recovery will be exempted by the government for vaccination as they are supposed to have already existing immunity against the Covid-19. However, Post-COVID conditions can be a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health issues people continue to face even weeks or months after being infected with COVID-19. Most patients in factly experience a certain degree of debility.

A variety of negative effects from the virus infection, including some that are very complicated, are as follows:

  • Loss of balance
  • TMJ disorder due to excessive coughing
  • Reduced inspiratory muscle strength
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • General body fatigue or weakness
  • Fibromyalgia

As a result, rehabilitation is deemed to be vitally important for people recovering from COVID-19 to regain their health.

Post-COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program

From start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team has been proactively researching and preparing on how to best help patients who have recovered from COVID-19.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program of exercises that helps enhance functionality of your lungs, improve your breathing and boost your exercise capacity. These exercises include breathing correctly in order to strengthen the muscles of your chest.

Physical Rehabilitation

Patients who have been discharged from the hospital may still continue to experience pain, weakness, and loss of coordination which can lead to decreased quality of life and possible long-term implications.

Physical training is one of the critical efforts towards improving health and helping patients with COVID-19 history to return to normal lives.

An individualized program is designed to address essential functions which includes:

  • Core strengthening
  • Cardio efficiency
  • Stretching for increased mobility
  • Balance and body awareness
  • Functional activity simulation

Pulmonary Chiropractic Adjustment

Some COVID-19 patients are reported to have impaired chest wall mechanisms which can lead to trouble with breathing. Pulmonary chiropractic adjustment targets specifically the thoracic wall or the chest wall area. This type of adjustment can:

  • Improve blood circulation
  • Relax chest and back muscles
  • Reduce pain or the perception of pain
  • Increase thoracic mobility
  • Reduce the amount of effort it takes to take a deep breath

In addition to performing adjustments, your doctor might also recommend other forms of treatment. Manual therapy is one of the many treatments prescribed to decrease strain across your back and chest.

ACC is focused on getting everyone back to their normal life in the safest way possible during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our strictly screening process as provided under DOH regulation will be applied to commit the safe & reliable place to receive care for everyone.

If you or someone you know has recently recovered from COVID-19 and experiencing loss of functions due to the infection, schedule an appointment today with us! Let us help you regain the quality life you deserve.




– HCMC: 99 Nguyen Du str., Ben Thanh Ward, Dist.1

Tel: (028) 3939 3930

Hotline: +84 946 740 066

– HCMC: Floor 1, Tan Đa Court, 86 Tan Da str., Ward 11, Dist.5

Tel: (028) 3838 3900

Hotline: +84 941 970 909

– HANOI: 44 Nguyen Du str., Hai Ba Trung Dist.

Tel: (024) 3265 6888

Hotline: +84 965 688 828

– DA NANG: 112 – 116, 2 tháng 9 street, Hai Chau Dist.

Tel: (0236) 3878 880

Hotline: +84 911 660 252

More information:
> Golden rule to enhance immune system
> Post COVID-19 Rehabilitation

Make an appointment at ACC clinic today to achieve and maintain optimal health.

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