Lumbar herniated disc: What you should know?

Lumbar disc herniation

Lumbar disc herniation is one of the most common spinal disorders in Viet Nam; the condition causes excruciating pain and interferes with daily activities.

A person with a herniated disc experiences pain along the spine. Initially, lumbar disc herniation does not cause extreme pain; therefore, many people ignore the early symptoms. However, the intensity of the pain will gradually increase and affect a person’s physical ability, productivity, and even mental health. 

Symptoms of lumbar disc herniation

  • Dull or sharp low back pain continuously or periodically.
  • The pain subsides with resting but will intensify when coughing, sneezing, lying on the side, or other movements.
  • Sciatica symptoms (pain, burning, tingling, and numbness that extends from the buttock into the leg or foot)
  • Limited range of motion (cannot perform fully extending and/or flexing the low back.
  • Altered posture to compensate for the pain. In serious cases, a person must remain immobile to prevent pain.
  • Progressively, a herniated disc can lead to bowel and bladder problems, muscle atrophy, or even paralysis.

Chiropractic care for disc herniation

Lumbar disc herniation

A damaged disc cannot heal on its own because it cannot absorb nutrients properly. Therefore, upon recognizing early symptoms, a person should seek care immediately to prevent further complications. According to doctors of Chiropractic at ACC Da Nang branch, Chiropractic care – a drug-free and non-surgical option, can effectively treat herniated discs. A basic treatment plan includes:

Chiropractic adjustment: A chiropractor uses his hand to precisely manipulate parts of the spine to restore alignment in the body, reduce pressure on the nerves, and activate the body’s self-healing organism.

Physiotherapy: Depends on specific symptoms, DTS Spinal decompression therapy, Class-IV Laser therapy, Shockwave therapy may be recommended to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and speed up the recovery process.

Rehabilitative program: Specialized exercises, stretches to help people with severe neurological conditions regain their normal movement and get back to their regular activities.

>> Read more: Lumbar disc herniation in young age

Make an appointment at ACC clinic today to achieve and maintain optimal health.

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