Cervical spinal degeneration causing numbness

Numbness due to degenerative spine is a common phenomenon in Vietnam. People affected are those who often work with the wrists in constantly bent position, or repetitive movements such as that common in office staff on the computers, or those who sit all day long. The symptom may start even from a very young age. The numbness if not treated can become chronic, affecting the quality of work and life, causing weakness and maybe even the loss of operation in the hands.

Major cause of numbness and associated symptoms

Degeneration of the cervical spine with disc herniation can lead to compression of spinal nerves resulting in symptom of numbness as well as discomfort in the neck. Very often, people who sit more than 8 to 10 hours working on the computer, with a common sitting posture of head leaning towards the desk face higher risk of degeneration in the cervical spine.

Read more about Disc syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


  • Arm, hand soreness, numbness, causing difficulties in the operation.
  • Presence of pain in the neck, shoulder fatigue.
  • Headache, dizziness, vertigo.
Symptoms of disk degeneration

Aging is a normal process of the human body. Along with the skin, hair, eyes; your spinal disk can also degenerate. The degenerative disk disease may get better over time or deteriorate if it is linked to other spinal problems. Thus, it needs to be cured. Getting to know the…

The office workers constantly using the computer mouse could be at risk if there are symptoms of numbness. Working on the computer keyboard and mouse creates abnormal pressure in the wrist as well as elbow and can cause hand numbness, decreased sensation, poor flexibility and clumsiness. If left for long without treatment, the patient can lose tone and control of hand movements.

More information:
> Wrist pain: Types, Symptoms and Treatments
> Elbow pain: Types and Treatments

How to treat degenerative cervical spine causing numbness

Correct diagnosis of cause is important for the right treatment. Use of drugs could blur symptoms and help reduce pain and hand numbness, but would not treat the root cause of the condition. At ACC, specialist doctors apply manipulation of spinal vertebrae structure back to its natural location, combining physiotherapy exercises to relieve compressed joints along the spine to help restore the nervous system to functional and effective state.

cervical spinal degeneration

Treatment with the fourth generation laser technology, also helps in-depth simulation of the joints and promote faster recovery.

In addition to chiropractic therapies and treatments, physiotherapy as well as exercises, patients would need to change work and daily habits to accelerate recovery and avoid the possibility of future recurrence.

  • Regular exercise and ensure warming up before playing sports.
  • When using a computer mouse, you should adjust the seat height so your wrist and hand are in a plane parallel to the table, avoiding excessive wrist hyperextension.
  • Changes in working position, in getting up to relax with set of gentle exercises after 1-2 hours working.

Make an appointment at ACC clinic today to achieve and maintain optimal health.

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